Posts for author: Martin Mycielski


Tusk’s difficult in-tray on Poland’s judicial independence

6 December 2023

Source: Read also: Martin Mycielski for EUobserver: Have the Polish people finally had enough? (November 23, 2021) Europa United Eurochat podcast – Polish Presidential election special with Martin Mycielski (June 23, 2020) Could Polish president Duda’s anti-LGBT rhetoric spell trouble for PiS? (June 19, 2020) Poland’s sham presidential election in a pandemic (March 27, […]

ODF’s opinion on the rules of procedure of parliaments and parliamentary assemblies

24 October 2023

In light of the ongoing discussion on better integration of the work of civil society in the works of national parliaments and international parliamentary assemblies, the Open Dialogue Foundation has been a vocal proponent and advocate for more transparent, organised and fair regulation, benefitting civil society. We believe that the expertise, input and advocacy work […]

Open Dialogue Foundation at the 2023 OSCE WHDC

12 October 2023

Like every year, ODF took an active part in the OSCE’s Warsaw Human Dimension Conference. Unlike in 2022 we didn’t just focus the assembly’s attention on rule of law challenges in Poland, but also presented our findings on financial exclusion stemming from the abuse of AML/CFT laws by authoritarian states. The Warsaw Human Dimension Conference […]

Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office: Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Dereliction of Duties since 2015

6 October 2023

Preface Since the Law and Justice (PiS)-led United Right Coalition [Composed of PiS and its two junior partners – Solidarna Polska (United Poland, led by the Justice Minister/Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro) and, until August 2021, Porozumienie Jarosława Gowina (Jarosław Gowin’s Agreement)] took power in 2015, an unprecedented politicisation of the public prosecution has occurred, which has […]

Punishing Philanthropy in Poland: Case of Przemysław Krych

9 June 2023

This case study is an extended and updated description of the case of Przemysław Krych, which was originally included in the “Entrepreneurs and Executives” section of the report “Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office: Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Dereliction of Duties since 2015”, published by the Open Dialogue Foundation and the “Themis” Association of Judges in February 2022.

Let’s make Ukrainians at the front line happier this holiday!

24 March 2023

In just three weeks, Ukraine will be celebrating its Easter. For Ukrainians, this is a special holiday – not only the most important one of the year, but also related to honouring the dead. According to the tradition, Ukrainians visit the graves of their loved ones a week after Easter and symbolically share a meal […]

Debunking of Entry for Open Dialogue Foundation in the “NGO Watchlist” of the Institute for European Integrity

11 January 2023

Executive summary On 31 October 2022, a newly created, supposed NGO, the Institute for European Integrity (IEI), published an entry for the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF) as part of its “NGO Watchlist.” IEI labelled the Foundation as an organisation with alleged “strong links to individual(s) sanctioned or criminally prosecuted by a European Union, United States […]

Hearing victims of the politicised Polish prosecution service at the Council of Europe

14 October 2022

During the October 2022 plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe ODF had the honour to organise a public hearing under the title “Erosion of the rule of law in Poland: Political abuses of the prosecution office”. The event, held on 13 October in the Council’s Strasbourg headquarters, was hosted by […]

ODF organises hearing on the politicised prosecution service at OSCE

11 October 2022

In the weeks of 26 September – 7 October the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and its Warsaw-based Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) held its 2022 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, serving as a summit, or plenary session, of the OSCE’s human rights institution. The conference was attended by OSCE […]

Defending right to assembly in Kazakhstan at the OSCE/ODIHR conference

10 October 2022

In the weeks of 26 September – 7 October the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and its Warsaw-based Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) held its 2022 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, serving as a summit, or plenary session, of the OSCE’s human rights institution. The conference was attended by OSCE […]

Advocating for the rule of law in Poland and against religious fundamentalists at OSCE/ODIHR forum

9 October 2022

In the weeks of 26 September – 7 October the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and its Warsaw-based Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) held its 2022 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, serving as a summit, or plenary session, of the OSCE’s human rights institution. The conference was attended by OSCE […]

Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office: Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Dereliction of Duties

16 February 2022

Since the Law and Justice (PiS)-led United Right coalition took power in 2015, we have witnessed an unprecedented level of politicisation of the public prosecution service, which has been transformed into a tool serving political and personal interests of the ruling camp and its members. This resulted in a growing number of politically motivated cases of investigations carried out primarily against those regarded as opponents of the government.

The case of entrepreneur Piotr Osiecki and Altus TFI

16 February 2022

The below case is an extended version of a case presented in our upcoming report entitled “Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office: Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Dereliction of Duties since 2015”, published with the cooperation of the Themis Judges’ Association, the Racist and Xenophobic Behaviour Monitoring Centre (OMZRiK) and ObyPomoc – Obywatele RP. The GetBack […]

Bartosz Kramek: Next Target in the Campaign Against the Open Dialogue Foundation in Poland

17 January 2022

1. Summary The Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF), founded in 2009 in Poland, is a European NGO fighting for human rights, democracy and the rule of law in the post-Soviet area and, more recently, within the EU, focusing on stopping the rise of authoritarianism and the far-right in states like Poland and Hungary. Before 2017 the Foundation was known […]

Martin Mycielski for EUobserver: Have the Polish people finally had enough?

23 November 2021

After years of mostly ineffective protests against the dismantling of the independent judiciary, human-rights standards, relationship with the EU and, finally, against the ongoing deaths of migrants at the Belarus border, you’d be excused for thinking Poles must have lost hope. Indeed, some on the pro-European side of the expert circles fear Polish democracy might […]

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