In addition to the shipment of life-saving equipment – bulletproof vests, helmets and night vision devices – we have already sent several medical shipments. In the rush of things, we have not yet informed you about the convoy with medical equipment and supplies that was sent on 16 March to Lviv, from where it reached Kyiv.
The two transport vans contained medical supplies purchased with the funds from the public collection and received from donors, including:
military-type dressings, sterile dressings for burns, thermal emergency blankets, emergency scissors, tactical tourniquets, elastic bandages, gauze compresses, or Kirschner wires for bone anastomoses worth 10 thousand PLN.
We would like to thank wholeheartedly the donors – Pracodawcy Zdrowia, Spot Light, those who supported our public collection and our friends from Sigmed Group.

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