— I am standing in front of the largest warehouse of the non-profit organisation from which bulletproof vests and other aid for Ukrainian soldiers go to Ukraine — says Onet reporter Marcin Wyrwał, who visited the warehouse of the Open Dialogue Foundation. Thanks to the organisation’s efforts, almost 20,000 pieces of various types of defence equipment have been delivered to Ukraine, and the warehouse alone has produced 1,500 bulletproof vests that were already delivered to the front.
How are bulletproof vests made in Warsaw?
— We apply contact adhesive to the metal and then use rubber that holds back shell fragments. We have tested the vests at the shooting range and the shell fragments were stopped. All our production is based on the use of civilian technology in a way that meets military conditions of the battlefield in Ukraine. The Ukrainians themselves used it during the first phase of the war in Donbas in 2014 — said Borys Stankiewicz, order coordinator, who shows the Onet reporter the next stages of vest production.
As he explained, the vests collected in the warehouse came from recent armed conflicts around the world. — Each vest is a story we don’t know — said Stankiewicz.
Thermal imaging scopes, elbow and knee pads for uniforms, tactical gloves and canteens are also sent from the warehouse to the fighting Ukraine.
See more: wiadomosci.onet.pl