The coronavirus epidemic is affecting all areas of our lives. However, it is most affecting health care, which is at the forefront of the fight against the disease. Doctors and medical staff are currently working at their best, often at the expense of their families and friends. It is primarily on their commitment that our ability to quickly suppress the epidemic will depend. Those hospitalised, and their loved ones, are also in a difficult situation, and are putting their hopes in the health service.
That is why, together with the Niskie Składki (Low Contributions) and Spontaniczny Sztab Obywatelski (Spontaneous Civic Staff) associations, with the invaluable support of Patryk Wachowiec of the FOR (Civil Development Forum) Foundation, we launched the #PosiłekDlaLekarza (in English #MealForADoctor) campaign on the portal.
In order to relieve pressure on doctors, nurses, ambulance crews and all other medical staff to the greatest extent possible – and to let them focus on fighting the disease – we want to offer them free meals from local restaurants. Each of us can help pay for it by participating in the fundraising. Meals will also be paid for people confined to hospital by the coronavirus infection as well as those taking care of them.
Anyone who wishes to order a meal from a restaurant will only need to inform the staff of their desire for a free meal. We will compensate the restaurant for the meals on receiving their proof of delivery to our recipients – a photo will be enough.
We will be grateful if you would share our action on social media. You can find us on Facebook (/PosilekDlaLekarza) and Twitter (@DlaLekarza). You can also contact us by email ([email protected]). We are using the hashtag #PosiłekDlaLekarza.
Below you can find the statement to verify the fundraising provided by the organisers to the website

Thank you for every donation!
Details of the action:
Read also:
- Fundraising for the #PosiłekDlaLekarza has exceeded half a million PLN! (23.03.2020)
- Message for restaurateurs supporting the #PosiłekDlaLekarza campaign (24.03.2020)
- #PosiłekDlaLekarza – report on previous activities (02.04.2020)
- #PosiłekDlaLekarza is changing its operating model (6.04.2020)
- Cooperation with (12.04.2020)
- The #PosiłekDlaLekarza and #WzywamyPosiłki campaigns join forces! (14.04.2020)
- Finalising the settlement of the action #PosiłekDlaLekarza: 58,000 zlotys for City Hospital No. 4 in Gliwice (24.07.2020)
- Financial Summary of the aid action #MealForADoctor conducted from 16 March to 15 May 2020 (3 August 2020)