Although most of the COVID-19 cases in Poland have been recorded in Warsaw, restaurateurs from all over the country have decided to join the #PosiłekDlaLekarza (in English #MealForADoctor) campaign and support local hospital workers with meals.
The fundraiser, organised by the Open Dialogue Foundation, the Low Contributions Association, Spontaneous Civic Campaign Headquarters and Civil Development Forum, has been reported in the media from Kraków, Bydgoszcz, Elbląg, and other cities. Many of them published a list of restaurants that have decided to cook and deliver meals for employees of local hospitals. “The campaign is based on trust. We don’t need names or surnames, or even an image of a person to allow him or her to deliver meals as part of the campaign. A restaurant that collaborates with the campaign organisers has to send photos that allow us to verify whether the meal reached the hospital or ambulance crew. We will make settlements with each restaurant once a week, every Sunday,” Radio Eska Śląskie reported. Dziennik Zachodni, in turn, emphasises that restaurateurs aren’t the only ones who can fund meals for medical doctors. Each of us can buy them a meal by taking part in the fundraiser at
Our fundraiser didn’t go unnoticed by pro-government media, such as TVP Katowice, TVP Rzeszów or Polskie Radio Olsztyn.

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