“‘Meal for a Doctor’ is one of the campaigns aiming to support healthcare workers in hospitals and health centres,” Radio Zet reports.“Restaurants and catering establishments from all over the country have already declared that they will provide meals to medical staff for free. Each of us can support them in implementing this idea. We look at what the ‘Meal for a Doctor’ campaign is about, who is taking part in it and how you can join in.”
The website reports that #PosiłekDlaLekarza (in English #MealForADoctor) was initiated by three organisations: the Open Dialogue Foundation, Spontaniczny Sztab Obywatelski (Spontaneous Civic Staff) and the Niskie Składki (Low Contributions) association. It involves collecting money, which will then be used to refund selected restaurants for providing meals to health professionals at nocost to the recipient.
The website describes how the whole campaign operates. “Restaurants may apply to participate in the campaign via a special form. People ordering meals from listed restaurants may inform the staff of their desire to receive a free meal. The restaurant will receive compensation from the funds raised if you allow its employees to prove that you are working at a medical facility – a photo will be enough.” The website also contains a list of restaurants that have joined the action.
Source: radiozet.pl
Read also:
- Rzeczpospolita: #PosiłekDlaLekarza online fundraising (15.03.2020)
- There is one goal – to help those who are “at the forefront of the fight against the disease”. TVN24 reports on #PosiłekDlaLekarza (15.03.2020)
- Interia shares appeal from organisers of #PosiłekDlaLekarza (16.03.2020)
- Onet on supporting those saving our health and lives (17.03.2020)