“Doctors, nurses, ambulance crews. During the epidemic, all healthcare workers can count on a free meal from restaurants taking part in the actions #PosiłekDlaLekarza (in English #MealForADoctor) and #GastroPomaga (in English #GastronomyIsHelping),” reports TVN24, pointing out that although the two initiatives are organised by different people, their goal is the same – to help those “at the forefront of the fight against the disease”.
The news website reported that the action #PosiłekDlaLekarza is organised by Spontaniczny Sztab Obywatelski (Spontaneous Civic Staff), the Niskie Składki (Low Contributions) association and the Open Dialogue Foundation, with the organisational and legal support of Patryk Wachowiec from the FOR (Civil Development Forum) Foundation.
Patryk Wachowiec explained the aim of the initiative: “We raise money and maintain the list of restaurants willing to take part in the action. We then settle with each restaurant on a weekly basis – every Sunday. The restaurants only have to provide us with proof that the order was delivered.” At the same time, he emphasised that the action supports not only healthcare workers, but also local restaurants that have been closed due to the coronavirus epidemic.
Source: tvn24.pl
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