“‘Due to the coronavirus epidemic, health professionals have a lot of work to do. Let’s help them by paying for meals that they can order for free,’ the organisers of the action ‘Meal for the Doctor’ said in an appeal,”we read on Interia.pl.
The initiators of the action include Spontaniczny Sztab Obywatelski (Spontaneous Civic Staff), the Open Dialogue Foundation and the FOR (Civil Development Forum) Foundation. The portal reports that by the morning of 16 March, over 200,000 zlotys had already been collected, and over 4300 supporters had joined the action. Interia also shared the information posted on zrzutka.pl:
“In order to relieve the pressure on doctors, nurses, ambulance crews and all other medical staff to the greatest extent possible – and let them focus on fighting the disease – we want to offer them free meals from local restaurants. Each of us can pay for them by participating in the fundraising. Meals will also be paid for people in hospital, as well as those taking care of them,” reads the website.

Source: fakty.interia.pl
Read also:
- Rzeczpospolita: #PosiłekDlaLekarza online fundraising (15.03.2020)
- There is one goal – to help those who are “at the forefront of the fight against the disease”. TVN24 reports on #PosiłekDlaLekarza (15.03.2020)
- Radio Zet explains the #PosiłekDlaLekarza campaign (17.03.2020)
- Onet on supporting those saving our health and lives (17.03.2020)