We have always strived to fight against mis- and disinformation and thus counter threats to the proper functioning of democracies, including the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. For this reason we have supported the making of “The Wrong Place”, a documentary on the so-called Markiv Case, in which two journalists were killed in Donbass in 2014.
“The Wrong Place”, an investigative documentary on the death of two journalists, Andrea Rocchelli and Andrej Mironov, who were killed in Donbass, Eastern Ukraine on 24 May 2014, is the brainchild of a group of Italian and Ukrainian journalists, namely Cristiano Tinazzi, Ruben Lagattolla, Olga Tokariuk and Danilo Elia. It intends to shed light on the true circumstances that led to the death of the two journalists and to the incarceration of Vitaly Markiv, an Ukrainian soldier with the Italian citizenship accused of being the responsible for the killing.
The documentary tries to provide answers to a number of doubts which have arisen during Markiv’s trial. The trial took place in July 2019, in Pavia, and resulted in a 24 years’ prison sentence in the first instance against Markiv for Rocchelli’s death. Numerous Ukrainian NGOs and some Italian press outlets (e.g. Il Post and Milano Today), as well as human rights organisations like the Italian Federation for Human Rights (FIDU) have raised doubts over the sentence, claiming it was solely based on circumstantial evidence. Moreover, the influence of Russian propaganda over the Italian media might have played a key role in finding a scapegoat at all costs, despite Markiv having always claimed his innocence.
Too often it happens that war reporters find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Therefore, it is essential to bring justice to the victims by investigating the truth and portraying an accurate picture of the events, like those which led to the tragic death of Andrea Rocchelli and Andrej Mironov. For that reason we are proud to be supporting the documentary.
To support the crowdfunding campaign, please visit the following link: https://www.produzionidalbasso.com/project/the-wrong-place-nevdale-mistse/.
See also:
- Internazionale “Il Posto Sbagliato: Inchiesta sulla Morte di Andrea Rocchelli” (21 February 2020)
- FIDU Sponsors the Documentary “The Wrong Place”
- UA Crisis “I giornalisti girano un film d’inchiesta per ricostruire le circostanze in cui Andrea Rocchelli è morto in Donbas”
Read our reports and statements:
- “COVID-19 in Closed Prisons in the Occupied Crimea and Donbas Which is Under Russia Effective Control” (23 March 2020)
- “Our First Meeting with Oleg Sentsov” (30 September 2019)
- “The List of Ukrainian Citizens who Have Been Subjected to Politically Motivated Criminal Prosecution by Russia’s Law Enforcement Bodies in the Years 2014-2016” (5 October 2016)