For an international investigation commission in Ukraine
For the past several months, Ukraine has been experiencing a crucial moment in its history: thousands of people across the country have been fighting for their freedom and the right to determine the future path of their country through a movement called Euro-Maïdan, which takes its name from the square that protesters have been occupying in Kyiv. Yet what has gone on in Ukraine over the past few days and more generally since the end of November 2013 is frightening.
Deaths, serious injuries and handicaps for life, deep traumas from violence that demonstrators underwent at the hands of security forces.
But there will be a “before” and an “after” when it comes to Euro-Maïdan in Europe.
As it is essential that such crimes do not go unpunished, the Ukrainian people demands justice. If we are to build a democratic and peaceful Ukraine and face upcoming challenges, an international investigation commission is vital.
Torture, arbitrary imprisonment and mutilation were deliberately used against protesters and constitute grave violations of human rights on European soil.
This requires an international response and international jurisdictions must play their part in bringing perpetrators to justice.
I, Anna Perehinec, Franco-Ukrainian student and spokesperson of the Association of Ukrainian Students in France (Paris), active in the protest movement alongside the Ukrainian people since the very beginning of the Euro-Maïdan citizen movement, ask you to support my call for the establishment of an international investigation committee to look into the crimes perpetrated in Ukraine against the population.
While at the highest level of the state’s apparatus, oligarchs, and especially the outgoing president Viktor Yanukovych, have fled Kyiv, this Investigation Commission must shed light on the atrocities committed and pursue the guilty parties in a court of law.
Justice must be served for the sake of Ukraine’s future.
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Sign the petition: Justice for Ukraine’s protesters #EuroMaïdan
Podpisz petycję: Oddajmy sprawiedliwość ofiarom represji na Ukrainie #EuroMajdan
Signer la pétition Justice pour les manifestants Ukrainiens #EuroMaïdan
Подпиши петицию: Украинцы взывают к поддержке для утверждения правосудия и справедливости в Украине!!! #Евромайдан
Пiдпиши петицiю: Україна взиває до справедливості і правосуддя!!! #Євромайдан