A verdict was issued on the case brought by Bartosz Kramek, Lyudmyla Kozlovska and the Open Dialogue Foundation founded by them against Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration Maciej Wąsik.
In accordance with the judgment of the Warsaw District Court, Wąsik is obliged, within 14 days from the finalisation of the judgment, to submit a statement apologizing to Kozlovska, Kramek and their Open Dialogue Foundation for the damaging statements made against them on TVP Info, Telewizja Republika and the online TV station wPolsce.pl.
Statements on the content indicated by the court, signed by Maciej Wąsik, are to be published on the websites of TVP Info, TV Republika and wPolsce.pl for 7 days, at the very top of the website, before other content.
It was about statements where a PiS politician reported talking about alleged sources of funding for the foundation, accusing it of Russian connections, conducting “hybrid activities”, and Bartosz Kramek himself — calling for a coup in Poland.
By the decision of the court, Wąsik is also to pay Lyudmyla Kozlovska, Kramek and the Foundation PLN 10,000 each, together with statutory interest, calculated from 26 June 2020 until the money is paid, as well as cover court costs.
Wąsik loses to Kramek and Kozlovska. Grounds for the judgment
“On the basis of the evidence from this case, the court did not find any grounds to conclude that the Open Dialogue Foundation has Russian connections and undertakes hybrid activities, i.e. those aimed at destabilizing the Polish state,” said judge Paweł Duda in the verbal justification of the judgment.
Similarly, there was no evidence of money laundering by the Foundation, using dirty money or calling for bloodshed by Bartosz Kramek, which Wąsik accused him of.
“There was also no evidence that the Foundation uses money from people who produce weapons in Crimea, because such statements were also found,” the judge said. He also stressed that there was no evidence of Russian ties to the Foundation.
The judge also noted in the justification that Wąsik’s statements appeared only after the publication of Bartosz Kramek’s manifesto, which was critical of PiS.
“It can therefore be concluded that it was not Maciej Wąsik’s intention, as he claimed, to defend a socially legitimate interest, but through his statements he aimed to harm the plaintiffs because of their critical attitude towards political power,” the judge explained.
Source: onet.pl
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