Minister Zbigniew Ziobro’s statement prompted a fierce Twitter exchange between the former prime minister Marek Belka and Maciej Wąsik, the deputy head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration. The Law and Justice politician called Belka a “full-fledged Bolshevik” and Marek Belka, in turn, reminded him that he had lost a case in court.
By “congratulating him on the verdict” Marek Belka made a reference to a defamation suit lost by Maciej Wąsik, which had been brought against him by the Open Dialogue Foundation. The court ordered the deputy minister to publish his apologies to the ODF, Bartosz Kramek and Lyudmyla Kozlovska on TVP Info, TV Republika and websites. Moreover, the court also obliged him to pay PLN 10 thousand, including all applicable interest, in favour of each plaintiff. The non-final judgment in the case was issued on 29 June, but the Foundation revealed this fact at the end of July, after receiving the minutes of the court hearing.
The full article is available at:
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- Archiwum Osiatyńskiego: Maciej Wąsik musi przepraszać. Przegrał proces, który wytoczyła mu Fundacja Otwarty Dialog [Maciej Wąsik lost the lawsuit brought against him by the Open Dialogue Foundation and must apologise] (02.08.2022)
- OKO.Press: Maciej Wąsik musi przepraszać. Przegrał proces, który wytoczyła mu Fundacja Otwarty Dialog [Maciej Wąsik lost the lawsuit brought against him by the Open Dialogue Foundation and must apologise] (01.08.2022)
- Gazeta Wyborcza: Sąd: Maciej Wąsik ma przeprosić Fundację Otwarty Dialog [Court: Maciej Wąsik to apologise to the Open Dialogue Foundation] (01.08.2022)
- Onet: Maciej Wąsik musi przeprosić Fundację Otwarty Dialog [Maciej Wąsik must apologise to the Open Dialogue Foundation] (29.07.2022)