The Open Dialogue Foundation has provided financial support for Lidia Sydoruk, a 5-year-old from Ukraine, who suffers from spastic diplegic cerebral palsy. The medical costs were far beyond her family’s financial capabilities, which is why they turned to the ODF for help.
The girl cannot walk without help and is in need of intensive physiotherapy. According to Lidia’s family, her doctors said that she would greatly benefit from a stay at the Olinek intensive therapy centre in Warsaw, whose treatment methods include using special “space suits”. Due to the drastic fall in the hryvnia exchange rate, the cost of a 2-week physiotherapy stay in Poland turned out to be very high for Lidia’s family. They would have been unable to afford it.
We paid for Lidia and her family’s 2-week stay at the centre, co-funded the physiotherapy sessions and bought them all return train tickets to Kiev. The total amount of our financial assistance was about 4 000 PLN.
Lidia’s parents say thank you (Ukrainian version) See physiotherapy certificate from Olinek.