In her interview for TVP info, Natalia Panchenko, a coordinator with the Open Dialogue Foundation and head of Euromaidan Warsaw, talked about the situation in Ukraine.
Panchenko mentioned such issues as equipment and training for Ukrainian soldiers, stressing the mobilisation levels. She says that the number of volunteers has exceeded the conscript quota. Men from all over the country – east, west and centre – are coming to join the armed forces, Panchenko says. Head of Euromaidan Warsaw also pointed to the scale of the conflict, noting that it was not a local issue and it concerned the entire world, thus calling for an intervention form the West and Europe. “Otherwise, it is not only going to be Ukraine that loses here (…). The whole of civilisation loses,”adds Panchenko.
The interview touched upon the shooting down of the Malaysian plane on July 17 over Ukraine. Panchenko stressed that Ukraine had nothing to do with this and urged for an independent and transparent investigation into the tragedy.