Through public collections, we help to equip Ukrainian militaries and the National Guards with basic life and health means – bullet-proof vests, helmets and Celox hemostatic dressings. We have launched the website which contains information on how to help, how much we have already collected for the cause and the amount of defence equipment we have already provided.
Ukrainian soldiers and guardsmen are short of almost everything. Every day we receive applications from individual army troops, territorial defence forces, the National Guard, Border Services, as well as from mothers and sisters seeking help for their sons and brothers. The needs always outweigh our financial capacity.
We are conducting the collections under license from the Ministry of Digitalisation and Administration, No. 51/2014 of 28 January 2014. To date, we have collected nearly PLN 200,000. We have also provided 275 bullet-proof vests, 52 helmets and 98 Celox dressings.
Our partner in the campaign is Euromaidan Warsaw. For more information, please visit the website at: