The Białystok editorial team of tells the story of a Tartar family of Crimea refugees, whose infant baby was born in a Polish refugee centre.
“Having been placed in the refugee centre, she was seldom visited by any doctors. She did not receive her examination results, and the ultrasound scan yielded different images every time. After each subsequent visit, she was sent back to the centre, and the due date for her to give birth was prolonged. Despite her numerous complaints about her health and requests to be hospitalised, the doctors disregarded the case. Finally, she was given an intravenous drip to induce labour and sent back again. It is inadmissible and unprofessional. Should the situation repeat itself, it may well end in tragedy – as assessed by the associates of the Open Dialogue Foundation, which supports the changes in Ukraine, was present on Maidan, coordinated the aid originating from Poland and now takes care of the refugees and Tartar families receiving treatment in the country” – the article reads.