On radio TOK FM about the possible military intervention and the situation in Donetsk – an interview with Tomasz Czuwara, spokesman for the Open Dialogue Foundation, and Anna Maria Dyner of the Polish Institute of International Affairs. – The Ukrainian army has come a long way since Crimea was taken, especially in terms of the soldiers’ morale – Czuwara went on to explain. He also stated that if the Ukrainian military are allowed to use arms against the Russians, they will not hesitate for a moment – as opposed to the units that were to defend Crimea a couple of months ago. – The possible intervention would mean a significant risk and heavy losses for the Russian army. It is really quite improbable – he underlined. The spokesman of the Foundation also addressed the necessity to evacuate the population of the territories where fighting against separatists is taking place. Donetsk – as Czuwara warns – may become “the second Grozny”.
TOK FM: Russia to enter Ukraine? “This is not a calm Crimea, they will fight”
5 August 2014
Author: Editorial office