The Uwaga programme broadcasted, on a TVN channel, reportage on Natalia Panchenko, Chair of EuroMaidan Warsaw and coordinator of the ‘help for Ukraine’ campaign of the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF).
Natalia joined the ODF team in July this year. In the Foundation, she is in charge of activities such as the public collection aimed at helping and equipping Ukrainian militaries and the National Guards with basic life protection means. The Open Dialogue Foundation also has an assistance centre “Ukrainian World”, dedicated to the Ukrainians residing in Warsaw, including refugees compelled to leave the country as a result of war operations, and those wounded who are offered psychological help. During a period of one month the centre’s staff were contacted by more than two thousand people asking for help. As a result, in “Ukrainian World”, the Foundation’s employees and volunteers provide consultation on a daily basis regarding the refugee procedure, extension of temporary stay and obtaining work permits.