The fighting between Ukrainian soldiers and separatists in the east of the country and anti-governmental protests on the Maidan – these and other developments were recorded by the Ukrainian photographer Viktor Gurniak. On 28th November on Krakowskie Przedmieście in Warsaw, in front of the gate of the University of Warsaw, the exhibition “ATO Zone – War Zone” was opened. The exhibition, organised by the Open Dialogue Foundation, was ceremoniously opened by Marcin Święcicki, deputy of the Polish Seym.
Viktor Gurniak documented the Ukrainian protests, and later the fighting in the east for western agencies such as Reuters. Ultimately, he exchanged his camera for a gun and joined the Ajdar battalion. He paid the price of his life for that decision. Thus, the exhibition organised by the Foundation is, at the same time, a tribute paid to the photographer and all Ukrainian soldiers fighting in the ATO zone.