Maciej Wąsik has been ordered to publish an apology to the Open Dialogue Foundation. A court of law has so decided. The deputy head of the Ministry of Interior and Administration suggested that the Foundation of had ties with Russia and engaged into money laundering practices.
“Justice is done! Maciej Wąsik has been found guilty! He must apologise for accusing us on TVP Channel of having some ties with Russia, engaging into hybrid operations and money laundering practices, and for suggesting that Bartosz Kramek has called for the shedding of blood” – stated the Open Dialogue Foundation. This is how the judgment of the court of first instance reads.
As it was stated in the judgment’s substantiation, the court “has found no evidence to support the allegations that the Open Dialogue Foundation has got any ties with Russia, or has ever engaged into any hybrid operations aimed at destabilising the state, or harming the interest thereof, or into any money laundering practices, or that Bartosz Kramek has called for the shedding of blood”.
Hence, the court has ordered the defendant to apologise to the plaintiffs. Such apologies are to be published on the homepages of TVP Info, TV Republika and wPolsce. Moreover, Maciej Wąsik has been also obliged to pay the damages of PLN 10 thousand respectively in favour of the Foundation, Bartosz Kramek and Lyudmyla Kozlovska.
Maciej Wąsik has been obliged to publish, within 14 days, the following note of apology: “I, Maciej Wąsik, do hereby apologise to Lyudmyla Kozlovska and Bartosz Kramek for the infringement of their moral rights, such as their good name, and to the Open Dialogue Foundation for the infringement of its moral rights, such as its reputation and good name, through the dissemination of injurious and false information on TVP Info. I do confirm that my statement contained false information regarding the ODF’s sources of funding, its ties with Russia, and regarding the calling on Poles to overthrow the government and spill blood”. The content of each such statement should include the relevant name of the TV channel.
The Foundation’s authorities are very satisfied with the court’s decision. “This is almost the final straw of our proceedings against deputy minister Wąsik. Although the judgment is unequivocal, it is not yet final. It is really nice when government smearers (or, rather, thugs who hold ministerial positions) are brought to justice. For the time being, on the civil law basis” – wrote Bartosz Kramek on Twitter.
“Why are they so desperate in trying to subjugate the judiciary? Well, they would like to avoid legal responsibility, for instance, for slandering citizens who keep a watchful eye on them. Maciej Wąsik has just been found guilty of disseminating lies about us, and calling us Kremlin’s agents. So we can now officially call Wąsik a liar!” – added Martin Mycielski who represents the ODF’s authorities.
This has not been the only success achieved by the Open Dialogue Foundation these days. Another note of apology is to be published on Twitter for 60 days by Dominik Tarczyński, MEP who claimed that the Foundation laundered the Russian money. The court has also obliged him to pay PLN 10 thousand by way of compensation.