“A judgment has been passed by a Warsaw court obliging Wąsik to apologize to the Open Dialogue Foundation, which has been repressed in a totally unprecedented manner, including the expulsion of its founder, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, from Poland. This is a Foundation that is devoted to defending democracy in Kazakhstan, Russia, Moldova, Ukraine, and, of course, in Poland as well,” Jacek Żakowski said on Tok FM.
In an interview with Grzegorz Rzeczkowski, the radio journalist recommended to listeners an article published on oko.press website describing the allegations made by Deputy Minister Maciej Wąsik and quotes from the court trial. “Well, and all those answers of his like: “Well no, it wasn’t, I didn’t know”, “It’s based on general knowledge” and so forth. Based on general knowledge, you can say about anyone that they come from Mars. All this has been said by the supervisor of the special services,” Żakowski ironically says and later adds. “It is unbelievable how desperate he must be to tell such stuff, for which he has no indications whatsoever (let alone evidence), being surely convinced that he will not authenticate his testimony at court.”
“Perhaps it was not out of despair, but rather out of impunity,” wonders Grzegorz Rzeczkowski. “After all, both he and Kaminski were initially convicted by the court and later pardoned by the President of Poland. Then they both returned to power, gained incredible control over the secret services. Now they can do whatever they please, so they can say whatever they want, because they have no duty to tell the truth. The fact that the courts are still functioning somehow (although in some circumstances this may not be true i.e. in the case of the Open Dialogue Foundation, the administrative courts three times overturned Kozlovska’s order to leave Poland, but eventually the order has been approved by a panel composed of neo-judges), despite the fact that some people think they are allowed everything, they cannot safely say the prosecutors and courts “belong to them” – yet, we are witnessing this type of showdown. Moreover, there are many other examples of similar actions affecting Polish national security.”
Listen to the radio programme at: audycje.tokfm.pl
Read also:
Other media:
- naTemat: Wąsik przegrał w sądzie z Fundacją Otwarty Dialog. Zarzucał jej powiązania z Rosją [Wąsik accused the Open Dialogue Foundation of having connections with Russia and lost in court] (05.08.2022)
- Archiwum Osiatyńskiego: Maciej Wąsik musi przepraszać. Przegrał proces, który wytoczyła mu Fundacja Otwarty Dialog [Maciej Wąsik lost the lawsuit brought against him by the Open Dialogue Foundation and must apologise] (02.08.2022)
- Wprost: Przegrany proces wiceministra [The lost case of the Vice Minister] (2.08.2022)
- OKO.Press: Maciej Wąsik musi przepraszać. Przegrał proces, który wytoczyła mu Fundacja Otwarty Dialog [Maciej Wąsik lost the lawsuit brought against him by the Open Dialogue Foundation and must apologise] (01.08.2022)
- Gazeta Wyborcza: Sąd: Maciej Wąsik ma przeprosić Fundację Otwarty Dialog [Court: Maciej Wąsik to apologise to the Open Dialogue Foundation] (01.08.2022)
- Onet: Maciej Wąsik musi przeprosić Fundację Otwarty Dialog [Maciej Wąsik must apologise to the Open Dialogue Foundation] (29.07.2022)