Comments about Joanna Liсhoсka’s inappropriate conduct in the Sejm are not subsiding. The MP had the chance to admire a billboard immortalising her unparliamentary gesture. At present, funds are being raised for the production of new advertising banners.
PLN 215,000 – that’s how much money has been donated so far to a fundraising campaign to cover the cost of billboards featuring Joanna Lichocka. “We are not just going for quantity, but also for quality. We will be able to buy advertising space on billboards in the centres of several major cities, including Gdańsk, Warsaw and Łódź,” said Marcin Mycielski, the campaign’s organiser, in an interview with the portal.
Billboards will also be erected in Kielce, Skarżysko-Kamienna and Starachowice. “PiS politicians have been showing what their true face is for a long time; it is good that someone has been found to perpetuate this true image of PiS in society,” comments Konrad Krönig, president of Skarżysko, in an interview with the portal.
The Sejm decided on 13 February to pay TVP and Polskie Radio compensation for low subscription revenue. The amount in question is PLN 2 billion. The situation has angered opposition politicians as they called for this money to be transferred to oncology treatment.
During the debate on the financing of public media, Lichocka showed the middle finger. She later explained that she had only vigorously rubbed under her eye and the whole situation had been misinterpreted.