On 25 and 26 October 2016, within the framework of the international project ‘Supporting Youth As a Stimulus For the Strengthening of Democracy in Ukraine‘, a workshop entitled ‘0 to 1. Make a Change And Have an Impact!‘ was held. It was designed for university students and school pupils from Kharkiv. The event was carried out in the Kharkiv National University of Economics.
On Tuesday, 25 October, 2016, the first workshop with students of 2nd-5th year was held. The expert was Ms. Özlem Gündogdu, a lecturer at the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. She spoke about her work and invited students to participate in DAAD projects.
No less exciting and interesting for the students was a training carried out by Darya Sedykh, a coordinator of the project ‘The Stimulus for Change‘ on the case-study ‘Methods of Youth‘s Participation in Social Life‘.
When working in groups, students expressed their ideas about possible projects, created and presented their plans and took counsel on how and where to find the financing of their ideas.
On Wednesday, 26 October, 2016, the second event was held. It was designed for 9-11 grade students who are interested in the topics of European integration, policy making and project management. The freign experts, invited to the event, included Cédric Reichel, a lecturer at the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD, who told students about attracting young people to exchange projects between schools in Germany. Daria Sedykh held an interesting training, after which the students prepared and presented four projects from different areas: the environment, culture, education and tourism.
Members of both workshops were extremely active and creative in presenting their ideas. We hope that in the future, this training will give new impetus to the development of interesting and relevant projects.

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