On the 30th of July, Ukraine has oicially started its election campaign for the people’s deputies of Ukraine. Parties were to submit their lists and inally approve their political manifestos. In order to carry out analysis of the electoral process in Ukraine, it is very important to establish: what the Ukrainian parties have prepared for the elections? After all, the quality and performance of the election promises represent the level of democracy and the political system as a whole. This is not an easy task because behind the tinsel thread of the populist rhetoric it is very diicult to ind principal differences in the political manifestos of Ukrainian parties. Still, a comparative analysis of policy documents provides very interesting results.
Almost all of the most popular political parties in Ukraine have common stances on key social and economic issues that determine the well-being of citizens. This question therefore arises: why then is the consensus in Ukrainian politics and, in particular, in the parliament, such a rare phenomenon? And another question that any Ukrainian party should ask itself: if our manifesto is so similar to those of our opponents, what motivates us to compete with them?
A possible answer is that the political manifestos simply mean nothing to Ukrainian politicians and are merely election requisites. In fact, in Ukraine, there are no political battles fought by means of coherent policy forming aimed at the development of the country, but rather competition of party leaders and group interests, which is manifested through fervent cheers and chants, and which all sound very much alike.