Members of the Polish Parliament, Mr Marcin Święcicki (Platforma Obywatelska) and Mrs Kornelia Wróblewska (Nowoczesna Ryszarda Petru), urged Kazakhstani government to terminate unlawful practices against Mr Murakthan Tokmadi, Kazakh prominent businessman, arrested on 12 June, 2017, under questionable criminal charges. Mr Tokmadi is being held in the detention facility of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan.
After his arrest, persons close to Mr Tokmadi, such as his wife Mrs Dzhamilya Aimbetova-Tokmadi have been subjected to pressures. While intimidation, criminal prosecution and torture were used against a distant relative, Mr Berik Imankaliyev and Mr Tokmadi himself. As mentioned in the two letters by Mr Święcicki and Mrs Wróblewska, the purpose of the unlawful pressure and persecution of Tokmadi’s family is to obtain fabricated testimony against the Kazakhstani businessman and politician Mr Mukhtar Ablyazov.
Another issue stressed in the letters was the worrying practice from Kazakhstani side to threaten Mr Tokmadi’s lawyers with the revocation of their professional licenses, in case they continue to defend their client.
Read our report “The case of Muratkhan Tokmadi”
Download letters from MP Mr Marcin Święcicki and Mrs Kornelia Wróblewska: