We have just acquired information that Askar, the older brother of Daniyar Moldhashev, the President of the LLP and publisher of the ‘Golos Respubliki’ newspaper, has been arrested by officers of the National Security Committee. He has been arrested ostensibly for drug possession. But it is well known that Askar, who worked in the ‘Astana-Holding’ in the first few years of the new millenium, then as a Deputy Director General of the ‘Kazspetseksport’, and more recently as a businessman, has never used drugs, and furthermore has never sold drugs.
Perhaps in this way the committee members are trying to exert pressure on Daniyar, who has been repeatedly put under pressure by this special service. In particular, he had to hide in exile, abroad for months. Currently, the committee members are storming Askar’s apartment, where his pregnant wife and child reside, demanding that he let them in, without a lawyer. It is possible that their intention is to plant drugs in the apartment and thereby corroborate the accusations made against Askar Moldashev.
As soon as our editorial staff learned of the arrest of Daniyar’s brother, we immediately sent a journalist and a press photographer there. But as our car was leaving the courtyard of our editorial building, it was stopped by traffic police. We have no doubt that this was no coincidence.
This morning our editorial staff received a letter from our regular informant who calls himself ‘Aman Shabdarbayev’. He warned the editiorial staff of potential provocations. After you read this letter, you will see that the forecast has already begun to come true, and quite rapidly. Still, the security services, with an apparent fear of arresting Daniyar himself, decided to strike his family.
“Dear editors of the ‘Respublika’!
Here is the updated list of the car fleet, which serves for the surveillance, ‘VAZ’, jeeps and foreign cars have also been bought. I will try to send you the list of licence plates.
A strict instruction was given to deal with you, regardless of the procedural rules and other. People will be eliminated according to the plan, depending on the person’s circumstances, habits, character, and social circle.
In particular, the following plans have been made:
- Provocations with the participation of the traffic police, where drivers will be arrested under a pretext. It is also likely that a crash will be organised, after which they will provoke a bribery or a fight;
- Provocations with the participation of specially-appointed people or even strangers in restaurants and cafes, adding weak drugs to their drinks and subsequently, detecting drugs by examination;
- The use of physical force, i.e. threatening family members in order to obtain certain statements and testimonies from them;
- Bullying close relatives through their supervisors and acquaintances at work and in their community.
All these methods will be employed according to ‘profiles’, as for each of you a special ‘profile’ will be drawn up.
In addition, some six months ago, extremist flyers were designed and printed in hard copy. It is now planned that they be planted in the editorial office, as well as in the journalists’ apartments and cars. These flyers are now kept in the National Security Committee Department in Almaty. For possessiont of the flyers one could be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison as they include calls for mass disorders and for violent change of the constitutional order.
I hope that this information will help you endure.
As usual, I am not signing the letter with my real name or surname, but you can call me ‘Aman Shabdarbayev’.”
Source “Golos Pespubliki”