They’ve Come For You: Misuse of Extradition Procedures and Interstate Legal Assistance

They’ve Come For You: Misuse of Extradition Procedures and Interstate Legal Assistance

In the present document, the Open Dialogue Foundation, the Italian Federation for Human Rights, the Arrested Lawyers Initiative, the Human Rights Defenders e.V. and the Kharkiv Institute for Social Research attempt to fill the gaps in the PACE report and propose recommendations with respect to improving cooperation among the member states of the Council of Europe in the sphere of extradition.

Iskander Yerimbetov’s health now critical in detention facility

Iskander Yerimbetov’s health now critical in detention facility

Iskander Yerimbetov, Kazakhstani political prisoner and the brother of political refugee Botagoz Jardemalie, has been suffering from critical health condition in a Kazakhstani detention facility. His lawyers and family members reported that his health has deteriorated to a critical state.

New ODF infographic: activities and accomplishments

New ODF infographic: activities and accomplishments

We defend human rights, democracy and the rule of law. We stepped on the toes of many authoritarian and hybrid regimes which currently conduct targeted propaganda and disinformation campaigns against us. Would you like to form your own opinion? Find out what we have done so far.

Open Dialogue Foundation at the OSCE HDIM 2019

Open Dialogue Foundation at the OSCE HDIM 2019

Between Monday 16 and Friday 27 September 2019, representatives of the Open Dialogue Foundation Xheni Dani, Joanna Cuper and Maksym Sytnikov participated in the annual OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting held in Warsaw. Our representatives delivered several statements in which they raised is

Gazeta Wyborcza reports on Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s meeting with Emmanuel Macron

Gazeta Wyborcza reports on Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s meeting with Emmanuel Macron

Oleg Sentsov, a Ukrainian film director who spent five years detained in a Russian prison, and Lyudmyla Kozlovska, President of the Open Dialogue Foundation, who was expelled from Poland by the Law and Justice government, met in Strasburg with French President Emmanuel Macron. An account of the visi

Our first meeting with Oleg Sentsov

Our first meeting with Oleg Sentsov

Crimean film director, Maidan activist, Ukrainian patriot and one of the bravest prisoners of the Kremlin, Oleg Sentsov has recently regained his freedom. We – along with many others – had solicited for his release for the five years he spent in Russia under arrest and in prison.

Bundestag event and meetings in Berlin with Oleg Sentsov, CCL & FIDU

Bundestag event and meetings in Berlin with Oleg Sentsov, CCL & FIDU

Oleg Sentsov, former political prisoner gave his first speech abroad, in Berlin, after being released from Russian prison on September 7. To this purpose, on September 26, Frank Schwabe MP and Manuel Sarazzin MP welcomed Sentsov and our delegation to a parliamentary event at the Bundestag.

Oleg Sentsov greets and thanks the Poles

Oleg Sentsov greets and thanks the Poles

On September 27, 2019, Oleg Sentsov thanked the Poles and those who from the very beginning defended not only him, but all Ukrainians imprisoned in Russia and its occupied territories.

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