MEPs decry attacks against independent lawyers, activists and judges in Moldova

MEPs decry attacks against independent lawyers, activists and judges in Moldova

On April 9, 2018, MEPs – Jaromír Štětina, Julie Ward, Tomáš Zdechovský – addressed the Ministry of Justice and General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Moldova with regard to the attacks currently being organised against independent lawyers, pro-reform activists, and judges in the country.

MEPs write to the EU VP/HR concerned with lawyers endangered in Azerbaijan

MEPs write to the EU VP/HR concerned with lawyers endangered in Azerbaijan

On March 13, 2018, MEPs submitted a written question to the EU VP/HR, Ms Federica Mogherini, on the harassment and persecution of lawyers taking place in Azerbaijan. In their address, P. Auštrevičius, J. Ward and T. Zdechovský made reference to individual cases of persecuted lawyers.

Petra De Sutter: The situation in Poland is unacceptable

Petra De Sutter: The situation in Poland is unacceptable

In the Council of Europe headquarters, the Open Dialogue Foundation organized a debate devoted to the situation of the rule of law and civil society in Poland. The event was attended by Belgian parliamentarian Petra De Sutter who, after the debate, shared her thoughts and reflections on her website.

Russia deprived of its voting rights in PACE in 2018

Russia deprived of its voting rights in PACE in 2018

Success of Ukrainian NGOs. Once again, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has prevented the Russian delegation from returning to its ranks. This decision was appealed for by 40 Ukrainian NGOs and the Open Dialogue Foundation.

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