Discussing the rule of law in Poland with OSCE PA rights leaders

Discussing the rule of law in Poland with OSCE PA rights leaders

On February 1st, in the Warsaw headquarters of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODHIR), the three leaders of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s (OSCE PA) human rights committee met with Polish civil society representatives at the forefront of defending the rule of law in the country. The purpose of the meeting was […]

10 MEPs address the European Commission in support of ODF’s Bartosz Kramek

10 MEPs address the European Commission in support of ODF’s Bartosz Kramek

In a letter sent on 2 August to Věra Jourová, Vice-president of the European Commission responsible for Values and Transparency, 10 MEPs have expressed their support for Bartosz Kramek and their opposition to the outrageous, politically motivated persecution carried out by the Polish government against him and the Open Dialogue Foundation, as well as other […]

Belgian Senator Mark Demesmaeker writes a letter in support of ODF Board member Bartosz Kramek

Belgian Senator Mark Demesmaeker writes a letter in support of ODF Board member Bartosz Kramek

In a letter addressed to the government of Belgium, Senator Mark Demesmaeker, member of the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) and formerly Member of the European Parliament, has expressed his support for Bartosz Kramek and his opposition to the senseless and politically motivated persecution carried out by the Polish government against him and the Open Dialogue […]

Arkadiusz Mularczyk of Law and Justice banned from speaking at PACE

Arkadiusz Mularczyk of Law and Justice banned from speaking at PACE

The ban has been imposed in connection with “foul underhand tactics” used by Mularczyk against the Open Dialogue Foundation. It will be in effect from 2 June to 2 September. The decision was taken early last month by the Rules Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly, which is composed of parliamentarians delegated to Strasbourg by the […]

MEPs call on Kazakhstan to cease persecution of Barlyk Mendygaziyev

MEPs call on Kazakhstan to cease persecution of Barlyk Mendygaziyev

On 29 June, MEPs Petras Auštrevičius (Renew), Nieklas Nienass (Greens), Isabel Santos (S&D), Helmuth Scholz (The Left), and Róża Thun und Hohenstein (EPP) have signed an appeal to Kazakhstan’s President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to demand the liberation of political prisoner Bekizhan Mendygaziyev and the end of all acts of political persecution against his brother, human rights […]

Invitation to an online event — Authoritarian countermeasures to targeted sanctions: China’s and other autocratic responses

Invitation to an online event — Authoritarian countermeasures to targeted sanctions: China’s and other autocratic responses

The Open Dialogue Foundation, the Italian Federation for Human Rights and Freedom Kazakhstan Foundation invite you to attend the online event “Authoritarian countermeasures to targeted sanctions: China’s and other autocratic responses”. On Monday, 21 June 2021, our distinguished guests will gather to discuss Russia’s and China’s countermeasures in response to the EU’s first designations under the new EU Global […]

Invitation to an online event — Moldova’s “Theft of the Century”

Invitation to an online event — Moldova’s “Theft of the Century”

The Left in the European Parliament, the Open Dialogue Foundation, Freedom Advocacy invite you to attend the online event  Moldova’s “Theft of the Century” – ostensible investigations or sincere lust for justice? Monday, 14 June 202118:00 – 19:30 CEST Zoom session & Live streaming available on ODF’s Facebook page  On the occasion of the publication […]

Human rights abuses in Kazakhstan: a need for the EU response – online discussion with Petras Austrevicius

Human rights abuses in Kazakhstan: a need for the EU response – online discussion with Petras Austrevicius

On 25 March 2021, human rights defenders from Kazakhstan, EU representatives, academics, and journalists gathered for an online discussion “Addressing human rights abuses in Kazakhstan: a need for the EU response” to provide an overview of the ongoing human rights violations and an update of Kazakhstan’s implementation of the European Parliament urgent resolution of 11 February 2021. The event was co-hosted by MEP Petras Auštrevičius (Renew Europe; Lithuania) in cooperation with the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF). The discussion was moderated by Lyudmyla Kozlovska, President of ODF.

Invitation to an online event: “Targeted sanctions: a tool to safeguard human rights”

Invitation to an online event: “Targeted sanctions: a tool to safeguard human rights”

The Open Dialogue Foundation, the Italian Federation for Human Rights,  the Crimean Tatar Resource Center, Freedom Kazakhstan Foundation & the Global Committee for the Rule of Law invite you to attend the online event “TARGETED SANCTIONS: A TOOL TO SAFEGUARD HUMAN RIGHTS. THE EU FRAMEWORK AND NATIONAL INITIATIVES IN EUROPE AND OVERSEAS” Thursday, 15 April 2021, 14:00 […]

PACE resolution on the independence of judges and ODF – debunking

PACE resolution on the independence of judges and ODF – debunking

Following our support of the Resolution on the independence of judges, adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on January 26th, ODF became a target for representatives of the Polish PiS government, whose actions were harshly criticised in the Resolution. PiS MP Arkadiusz Mularczyk, supported by British Conservative Ian Liddell-Grainger, initiated a […]

Invitation to an online event: “Addressing human rights abuses in Kazakhstan: a need for the EU response”

Invitation to an online event: “Addressing human rights abuses in Kazakhstan: a need for the EU response”

The Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF) is pleased to invite you to an online event “Addressing human rights abuses in Kazakhstan: a need for the EU response” co-hosted by MEP Petras Auštrevičius (Renew Europe; Lithuania) in cooperation with ODF. The event will be live-streamed on Thursday, 25 March 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 CET / Brussels time, and will feature interventions […]

Prosecutorial standards in Poland are closer to those in Belarus than in the EU. ODF’s hearing for MEPs with persecuted Polish prosecutors

Prosecutorial standards in Poland are closer to those in Belarus than in the EU. ODF’s hearing for MEPs with persecuted Polish prosecutors

On 4 March 2021 we organised an online hearing for Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), European Parliament advisors and selected journalists under the title “Law and Justice’s Crackdown on Independent Prosecutors in Poland Intensifies”, featuring persecuted Polish independent prosecutors from the Lex Super Omnia association – Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Jacek Bilewicz and Ewa Wrzosek – […]

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