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Ziobro’s prosecutor shares secret case file with Patryk Jaki’s lawyer

25 January 2024

Throughout most of the proceedings, Ziobro’s trusted prosecutor refused to make case files available to suspect Bartosz Kramek. Meanwhile, Patryk Jaki’s lawyer — Ziobro’s party colleague — had easy accessed them. However, according to lawyers, he should not have had them at all, as he was not a party to the case. In 2019, Patryk […]

Tusk’s difficult in-tray on Poland’s judicial independence

6 December 2023

Source: Read also: Martin Mycielski for EUobserver: Have the Polish people finally had enough? (November 23, 2021) Europa United Eurochat podcast – Polish Presidential election special with Martin Mycielski (June 23, 2020) Could Polish president Duda’s anti-LGBT rhetoric spell trouble for PiS? (June 19, 2020) Poland’s sham presidential election in a pandemic (March 27, […]

Footing the bill for a prosecutor

20 October 2023

On 20 October 2023, the Vice-President & Executive Director of the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF) Martin Mycielski and Chair of the Supervisory Board Bartosz Kramek were hosted by member of the State Tribunal, lawyer, and attorney Jacek Dubois in an interview entitled “Rachunek za prokuratora” (“Footing the bill for a prosecutor”).  In this hour-long interview, they […]

Entrepreneurs, you are not powerless. You have a vote!

13 October 2023

The Law and Justice (PiS) Party and Ziobro arm themselves to strike fear into entrepreneurs; to strike them not with a stick, but with a truncheon. Michał Romanowski – Professor of commercial law, Warsaw University. Attorney-at-Law at the Romanowski i Wspólnicy Law Office. In a recent interview with Forbes, Arkadiusz Muś, one of Poland’s most […]

Judges report on prosecutor harassment of business

11 October 2023

The Open Dialogue Foundation and the “Themis” Association of Judges have published a report outlining how the Polish public prosecutor’s office operated under the rule of Zbigniew Ziobro. Entrepreneurs speak out about harassment by investigators. The report features a number of stories of people who experienced repression by the public prosecutor’s office in Poland under […]

Cezary Szymanek: Public Prosecutor and Judge in Service of Party: How PiS Breaks Businessmen

11 October 2023

Not enough trees have been felled over the last eight years in the country to print reports on the scandals and wrongdoings not addressed by the Law and Justice (PiS) government. This is what it looks like: a raid by special service officers at 6.00 in the morning, a house search, handcuffs, and then detention […]

How Zbigniew Ziobro’s Public Prosecution Office “Broke Businessmen”. Report on Harassment

11 October 2023

At the beginning of the week, the Open Dialogue Foundation and the Association of Judges “Themis” (Polish: Stowarzyszenie Sędziów „Themis”) published a report that portrays the actions of the Public Prosecution Office under Zbigniew Ziobro in quite a terrible light. In this report, businessmen recount the harassment they have suffered at the hands of investigators. […]

How Zbigniew Ziobro’s Public Prosecutor’s Office ‘Broke Businessmen’s Backs’

11 October 2023

On Monday afternoon, at a meeting marking the publication of a report, former PKP (Polish Railways) head Jakub Karnowski and entrepreneurs Piotr Osiecki and Przemyslaw Krych spoke about the investigations and repression that have befallen them in recent years at the hands of the Polish Prosecutor’s Office. They spoke not only of bogus charges, detentions […] Judge in ‘Gazeta Polska’ cover case subjected to disciplinary measures

21 August 2023

A Warsaw judge, Tomasz Jaskłowski, was subjected to disciplinary action after his judgment in the “Gazeta Polska” cover case. A complaint against him was filed by the weekly’s editor-in-chief, Tomasz Sakiewicz, who had lost the trial, writes Tomasz Jaskłowski, Judge at the District Court in Warsaw, was subjected to disciplinary measures in connection with […]

Judge who orders Gazeta Polska apology for Wehrmacht cover now facing disciplinary action

20 August 2023

A Warsaw judge, Tomasz Jaskłowski, is being prosecuted in connection with his judgment unfavourable to a right-wing newspaper. The complaint against him was filed by Tomasz Sakiewicz, who lost a case presided over by the judge. He is the second Warsaw judge to face trouble for sentences handed down on Gazeta Polska. This is the […]

Brudziński lost in court with the management of the Open Dialogue Foundation, hated by PiS

2 August 2023

Bartosz Kramek and Lyudmyla Kozlovska have won their lawsuit against Joachim Brudziński for violation of personal rights. The current head of the Law and Justice (PiS) election campaign is to apologise to them for 60 days on Twitter and pay PLN 10,000 compensation each. The verdict is not final. This is the fifth case these […]

Joachim Brudzinski lost a court case. He is to apologise and pay PLN 30 thousand in damages

28 July 2023

Joachim Brudziński, a Law and Justice’s MEP, and chief of the party’s electoral campaign has lost a lawsuit for violation of the personal rights of the Open Dialogue Foundation and its founders i.e. Lyudmyla Kozlovska and Bartosz Kramek. The dispute revolved around his Twitter posts. In 2019, Joachim Brudzinski — the head of the Ministry […]

A Law and Justice MEP lost a court case against the Open Dialogue Foundation. He is to keep his apology statement published for two months.

28 July 2023

The court of first instance ordered a Law and Justice MEP, Joachim Brudziński, to apologise to the Open Dialogue Foundation, its President Lyudmyla Kozlowska and Bartosz Kramek for a Twitter post published four years ago. Brudziński is also obliged to pay PLN 30,000 in damages. Joachim Brudziński has been sued for his Twitter post as […]

This is bad news for Mr Brudziński. The Famous ‘YOYO’ has lost a court case and now he has to apologise. The trigger for the dispute was his tweet

28 July 2023

Joachim Brudziński, the chief of the Law and Justice’s election campaign, has just lost a court case. He is obliged to apologise to the Open Dialogue Foundation and its founders i.e. Lyudmyla Kozlovska and Bartosz Kramek. What was it all about? What was the actual judgment in the politician’s case? Joachim Brudziński has lost a […]

Mr Brudziński is to apologise and pay for his tweet on the “Euro-Kazakh crooks”

28 July 2023

Mr Joachim Brudziński, the Chief of the Law and Justice’s election campaign, lost a personal rights case against the Open Dialogue Foundation before the first instance court on Wednesday. He was held responsible for his tweet on the “Euro-Kazakh crooks”. Pursuant to the court’s ruling, the politician has been obliged to publish an apology noteon […]

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