Lustration: why is it needed?
In the area of lustration, understood as carrying out a wide review and verification of state officials in Ukraine, the Foundation worked closely with the Civic Lustration Committee, headed by Yegor Sobolev. Analyses, which form the basis for expert opinions and recommendations, subsequently used in the legislative process by representatives of the Civic Lustration Committee and members of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, were produced within the framework of the cooperation. Apart from the expert work, the Foundation also organised study visits for representatives of the Lustration Committee, to the EU countries, where meetings with themanagement of national and transnational institutions, responsible for lustration and observance of law and justice, were held; also, numerous conferences and seminars were organised in various regions of Ukraine. The international conference entitled ‘Lustration: solutions for Ukraine’, has become the key event. It has attracted more than a hundred Ukrainian and foreign experts, law theoreticians, civil society activists, as well as representatives of the media, business and government. In addition, a number of other undertakings, designed to transfer experience from Central and Eastern Europe, were held.

ODF supports lustration and judiciary reform in Ukraine
26 March 2015
Press Briefing: When will Yarema be punished?
23 March 2015
A meeting with Tetiana Kozachenko
17 March 2015
Updated amendment suggestions to the Ukrainian law on lustration
11 December 2014
A briefing on the ‘lustration law’: a critique and prospects’
11 December 2014
The Lustration Council presented in Kiev
24 October 2014Publications

Delay in the implementation of reform in Ukraine: the authorities should more attentively heed the voice of civil society
29 September 2015
Statement of the Open Dialogue Foundation as to the proposed changes to the law of Ukraine “On the purification of government”
27 January 2015
Summary of Legislative Work on Lustration Act No. 4359 “On Purification of Government”
19 November 2014Do you have questions?
Martin Mycielski
Director of Public Affairs