KAZAKHSTAN: The List of Political Prisoners and Other Victims of Political Persecutions

KAZAKHSTAN: The List of Political Prisoners and Other Victims of Political Persecutions


Disclaimer: This brief contains lists of political prisoners, victims of torture and mass shooting in January 2022, victims of political persecution, including Kazakhstani human rights defenders, and Karakalpakstani civil activists (at risk of extradition to Uzbekistan) – identified by human rights defenders. The lists are not exhaustive. The information provided in this brief has been […]

Defending right to assembly in Kazakhstan at the OSCE/ODIHR conference

Defending right to assembly in Kazakhstan at the OSCE/ODIHR conference


In the weeks of 26 September – 7 October the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and its Warsaw-based Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) held its 2022 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, serving as a summit, or plenary session, of the OSCE’s human rights institution. The conference was attended by OSCE […]

The Aftermath of the Bloody January Crackdown on Prodemocratic Protests in Kazakhstan

The Aftermath of the Bloody January Crackdown on Prodemocratic Protests in Kazakhstan


Key points In early January 2022, mass protests were held across Kazakhstan demanding that Nursultan Nazarbayev step down from power and extensive political reforms. The authorities declared protesters ‘terrorists’ and resorted to a violent crackdown on the protests, ordering to shoot to kill without warning. A Russian-led CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organisation) military force was […]

Mass shootings and torture of peaceful protesters in Kazakhstan: Country’s authorities cannot be trusted. The need of independent international investigation

Mass shootings and torture of peaceful protesters in Kazakhstan: Country’s authorities cannot be trusted. The need of independent international investigation


Mass protests in early January 2022 in Kazakhstan took place in 48 cities and over 40 localities. Growing repression, the deteriorating economic situation and bogus reforms caused this unprecedented social upheaval in the modern history of independent Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan: unprecedented acts of the regime’s terror against civilians and the Russian-led CSTO’s military intervention

Kazakhstan: unprecedented acts of the regime’s terror against civilians and the Russian-led CSTO’s military intervention


This report is based on data, video and photo materials from eyewitnesses, activists, human rights defenders, peaceful protesters from more than 60 cities and villages in Kazakhstan, where protests were held. It also contains references to statements of the US, the EEAS, international organisations such as the UN, the OSCE, media outlets. In order to ensure safety of eyewitnesses, their names are not mentioned. Co-authors of this report, Raigul Sadyrbayeva and Aiya Sadvakasova, have been arrested under politically motivated criminal cases for their human rights activities. The authors of this report express their gratitude for all informants and volunteers, who contributed to this report despite risking their lives and freedom. The authors of the report extend their condolences to families, relatives and friends of those who lost their lives during these mass repressions. We strongly believe that the truth must be unravelled and perpetrators must be held accountable.

ODF and 10 partners release an appeal about protests in Kazakhstan

ODF and 10 partners release an appeal about protests in Kazakhstan


On 5 January 2022, 10 Human Rights NGOs, including the Open Dialogue Foundation, issued an appeal on the current protests taking place in Kazakhstan. Against the backdrop of the massive street protests against the government and the Nazarbayev regime, which were met with widespread repression, ODF and its partners have condemned the government’s violence and […]

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