Interview: Lyudmyla Kozlovska – Human Rights, Crypto, & Policy

Interview: Lyudmyla Kozlovska – Human Rights, Crypto, & Policy


As a high-level introduction, Lyudmyla Kozlovska founded the Open Dialogue Foundation (“ODF”) in 2009 with the goal of protecting human rights, supporting democracy, and assisting those who are subject to political persecution in Eastern Europe. She also founded the Building True Change Coalition (“BTC Coalition”) to address financial exclusion, political oppression and deliver humanitarian aid, while promoting the role […]

Interview with Lyudmyla Kozlovska: her story, her struggles, and her achievements

Interview with Lyudmyla Kozlovska: her story, her struggles, and her achievements


Read more: See other interviews with Lyudmyla Kozlovska: Lugano’s Plan ₿. Defending Human Rights with Bitcoin: Interview with Lyudmyla Kozlovska (Decemner 28, 2023) What is wrong with the current AML/CFT law and how is it being used against NGOs? (December 12, 2023) How Bitcoin became a tool for NGOs — an interview with Lyudmyla […]

Lugano’s Plan ₿. Defending Human Rights with Bitcoin: Interview with Lyudmyla Kozlovska

Lugano’s Plan ₿. Defending Human Rights with Bitcoin: Interview with Lyudmyla Kozlovska


Interview with the activist who enchanted the Plan ₿ Forum 2023 with her story, her struggles and her achievements. An icon and prominent figure in the field of civil defence, Lyudmyla Kozlovska is not a woman who knows what it means to give up. From the very beginning, the career of the now Chairperson of […]

Submission to FATF: Tools to prevent abuse of AML/CFT laws

Submission to FATF: Tools to prevent abuse of AML/CFT laws


Germany, as one of the founding members of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), creates standards for global financial policy to comply with anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) rules; FATF Recommendations lead to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and non-profit organisations (NPOs) to be defined as high-risk organisations by financial institutions, thereby by default opening the […]

Behind the glass wall. How to turn a dissident into a terrorist and a fraudster

Behind the glass wall. How to turn a dissident into a terrorist and a fraudster


Russia is threatened with exclusion from the international system of combating money laundering. The issue of Russia’s inclusion on the blacklist of the organisation in question – the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) – was considered at Ukraine’s request at a recent FATF session. The decision has not yet been made, but it may be […]

“AML/CFT regulations are an open door for abuse” – Lyudmyla Kozlovska at the FATF Global Conference

“AML/CFT regulations are an open door for abuse” – Lyudmyla Kozlovska at the FATF Global Conference


Between March and July 2023, the EU AML/CFT Global Facility co-hosted and sponsored a series of regional consultations for nonprofit organisations (NPOs), FATF Regional Style Bodies, and Financial Intelligence Units with the aim of collecting, documenting, and analysing practices of meaningful engagement between the NPO sector and relevant (inter)governmental stakeholders. On 26-27 September 2023 in […]

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