Invitation to an online event — Moldova’s “Theft of the Century”

Invitation to an online event — Moldova’s “Theft of the Century”


The Left in the European Parliament, the Open Dialogue Foundation, Freedom Advocacy invite you to attend the online event  Moldova’s “Theft of the Century” – ostensible investigations or sincere lust for justice? Monday, 14 June 202118:00 – 19:30 CEST Zoom session & Live streaming available on ODF’s Facebook page  On the occasion of the publication […]

Report: The authorities of Moldova roll back the democratisation process and fail to fulfill their obligations to the EU

Report: The authorities of Moldova roll back the democratisation process and fail to fulfill their obligations to the EU


Year in and year out, Moldova cannot shake off the shackles of corruption, oligarchy, and selective justice. International partners expressed their readiness to render assistance to the country in carrying out the necessary reforms, but they have faced sabotage and inactivity

The Captured State: Politically Motivated Prosecution in Moldova And Usurpation of Power by Vladimir Plahotniuc

The Captured State: Politically Motivated Prosecution in Moldova And Usurpation of Power by Vladimir Plahotniuc


Against the backdrop of growing public discontent with the current government, the political regime in Moldova is becoming tougher. The powerful oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc has monopolised the influence on the state authorities and, currently, he controls law enforcement agencies.

‘The Captured State’: Persecution of Oppositionists, Media Representatives And Human Rights Defenders in Moldova

‘The Captured State’: Persecution of Oppositionists, Media Representatives And Human Rights Defenders in Moldova


Against the backdrop of growing public discontent with the current government, the political regime in Moldova is becoming tougher. Opposition activists and human rights activists increasingly frequently face politically motivated criminal prosecutions.

Written declaration “Moldova: political oppression against civil society and key witnesses” signed by 23 members of PACE

Written declaration “Moldova: political oppression against civil society and key witnesses” signed by 23 members of PACE


The result of our intense current work at Council of Europe in Strasburg: “Written declaration Moldova: political oppression against civil society and key witnesses” signed by 23 members of Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe!

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