Russia: Stop the prosecution of lawyers and human rights defenders

Russia: Stop the prosecution of lawyers and human rights defenders


Lev Ponomaryov and Emil Kurbedinov were subjected to shocking cases of administrative arrest for posting on social networks. In this way, the authorities continue to apply the policy of intimidation and punishment of individuals who dare criticise the actions of the regime.

Нuman rights defenders urge Austria to prevent extradition of Nail Malyutin

Нuman rights defenders urge Austria to prevent extradition of Nail Malyutin


We, the Russian and Polish human rights activists, hereby urge the Ministry of Justice of Austria to prevent the extradition of Nail Malyutin to Russia until the circumstances of his case are determined by the competent authorities of the Republic of Austria.

“Russian war crimes in eastern Ukraine” and “28 hostages of the Kremlin” reports presented in the European Parliament in Brussels

“Russian war crimes in eastern Ukraine” and “28 hostages of the Kremlin” reports presented in the European Parliament in Brussels


On Tuesday, 5 April 2016, the Open Dialogue Foundation, the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament and the Centre for Civil Liberties organised a conference dedicated to the topic of the global overview of the human rights violations during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

“Russian war crimes in eastern Ukraine” and “28 hostages of the Kremlin” reports presented in the European Parliament in Brussels

“Russian war crimes in eastern Ukraine” and “28 hostages of the Kremlin” reports presented in the European Parliament in Brussels


On Tuesday, 5 April 2016, the Open Dialogue Foundation, the European Conservatives and Reformists Group in the European Parliament and the Centre for Civil Liberties organised a conference dedicated to the topic of the global overview of the human rights violations during the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Invitation to a conference “Russian War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine” & “28 hostages of the Kremlin” at the European Parliament in Brussels

Invitation to a conference “Russian War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine” & “28 hostages of the Kremlin” at the European Parliament in Brussels


On behalf of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group, the Open Dialogue Foundation, and the Center for Civil Liberties, we would like to kindly invite you to a conference with two panels entitled “Russian War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine” and “28 hostages of the Kremlin”.

New names on “Savchenko List”

New names on “Savchenko List”


Due to the recent extremely worrying developments and following consultations with Nadiya Savchenko’s lawyers, as well as with the representatives of the Russian opposition and civil society we have decided to broaden the “Savchenko List” with new names and to make it public.

Russian opposition calls for “Savchenko List”

Russian opposition calls for “Savchenko List”


At the end of the Free Russia Forum the participating representatives of the Russian opposition and civil society adopted a resolution supporting the call for the introduction of personal sanctions against individuals responsible for the persecution of the Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko.

The Kuramshin case discredits the EurAsEC

The Kuramshin case discredits the EurAsEC


Russian human rights advocates, including such prominent names as Sergey Kovalev, Lev Ponomarev, Lyudmila Alekseeva, Svetlana Gannushkina, Valeriy Borshchov among others, addressed the EurAsEC leaders demanding attention for the political prisoner Vadim Kuramshin.

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