Interview with a political opposition leader in Kazakhstan. Kozlov: when released from prison, I want to continue my activity as a human rights defender

Interview with a political opposition leader in Kazakhstan. Kozlov: when released from prison, I want to continue my activity as a human rights defender


A video interview between a Kazakh blogger and activist, Galym Ageleuov, and Vladimir Kozlov has recently been published online. At the beginning of August, the leader of Kazakh opposition celebrated his 55th birthday. Fourth in a row spent behind bars.

Following his release from solitary confinement, Vladimir Kozlov has been transferred to strict regime conditions for six months

Following his release from solitary confinement, Vladimir Kozlov has been transferred to strict regime conditions for six months


The Kazakh authorities misinform the international community in order to avoid criticism for their persecution of political prisoner V. Kozlov.

Torture and the effectiveness of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in Kazakhstan. EEAS replies to ODF’s letter

Torture and the effectiveness of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) in Kazakhstan. EEAS replies to ODF’s letter


The European External Action Service has replied to a letter from the Open Dialogue Foundation addressed, in February 2015, to the High Representative, F. Mogherini

Torture in Kazakhstan:  A brief overview of the situation surrounding torture in Kazakhstan in 2013 and 2014

Torture in Kazakhstan: A brief overview of the situation surrounding torture in Kazakhstan in 2013 and 2014


Statements by Kazakh authorities about intolerance of torture and willingness to cooperate with civil society in addressing this issue remain declarative and are not implemented efficiently in practice.

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