Public appeal to Adam Bodnar. “Political investigations must be closed”

Public appeal to Adam Bodnar. “Political investigations must be closed”


 “We believe that, as the new Prosecutor General, you have not only a unique opportunity, but also a moral obligation, to conduct an effective review of a number of politically motivated cases. We hope that, in the case of investigations that show a so-called reasonable suspicion of insufficient grounds for prosecution, independent prosecutors will take […]

Public appeal to review political investigations from 2015-2023

Public appeal to review political investigations from 2015-2023


Warsaw, 12 February 2024 Adam BodnarProsecutor General of the Republic of PolandMinister of Justice Public appeal for a review of politically motivated prosecutions from 2015-2023 and the rehabilitation of victims As a person of unquestionable authority in the defence of human rights and the rule of law, your appointment as Minister of Justice and Prosecutor […]

NGOs: Bodnar, look into political prosecutions

NGOs: Bodnar, look into political prosecutions


More than 30 NGOs and more than 40 well-known personalities have signed an open public appeal to the Prosecutor General and Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar. They want a special team of prosecutors to analyse “politically motivated prosecutions” initiated against PiS opponents. They also demand the rehabilitation of wronged parties by a Public Prosecutor’s Office […]

Public appeal for Justice Ministry review of “politically motivated prosecutions” from 2015–23

Public appeal for Justice Ministry review of “politically motivated prosecutions” from 2015–23


A public appeal to the Ministry of Justice to review “politically motivated prosecutions from 2015 to 2023”, with dozens of signatories, including former President Lech Wałęsa, was published on Monday on the website of the Open Dialogue Foundation. “As citizens of the Republic of Poland, supporting the victims of the arbitrary and highly questionable actions […]

Public appeal to Adam Bodnar to end political investigations and rehabilitate the victims

Public appeal to Adam Bodnar to end political investigations and rehabilitate the victims


“We believe that, as the new Prosecutor General, you have not only a unique opportunity, but also a moral obligation, to conduct an effective review of a number of politically motivated cases. We hope that, in the case of investigations that show a so-called reasonable suspicion of insufficient grounds for prosecution, independent prosecutors will take […]

Bugged hotels. Public Prosecution launches investigation. Brudziński and Wąsik involved

Bugged hotels. Public Prosecution launches investigation. Brudziński and Wąsik involved


The Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation into unlawful surveillance in hotels of the Polish Hotel Holding and the passing of information by the President of PHH to a Law and Justice (PiS) MP about a meeting of opposition politicians in one of the hotels managed by the said holding company. “I was in such […]

Opposition in bugged hotel. New investigation launched involving Maciej Wąsik

Opposition in bugged hotel. New investigation launched involving Maciej Wąsik


Unlawful surveillance at the hotels of Polish Hotel Holding (PHH) is being investigated. According to reports by Gazeta Wyborcza, the president of PHH allegedly passed information to Joachim Brudziński, a Law and Justice MP, about a meeting of politicians of the then-opposition in one of the hotels managed by the holding. The name of Maciej […]

Hold PiS to account for persecuting defenders of rule of law. Inquiry needed

Hold PiS to account for persecuting defenders of rule of law. Inquiry needed


“For eight years PiS has been ruining the lives of people defending the rule of law in Poland. If we want to talk about democratic change, there must be accountability,” say Lyudmyla Kozlovska and Bartosz Kramek from the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF). They are calling for a commission of inquiry into the matter.  The Open […]

Why should human rights defenders be protected from AML/CFT abuses by authoritarian authorities?

Why should human rights defenders be protected from AML/CFT abuses by authoritarian authorities?


On 8 December 2023, the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation participated in the panel discussion “Regulation as an Opportunity” at the Digital Finance Summit in Brussels. Lyudmyla Kozlovska gave a presentation on the consequences of the misuse of anti-money-laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations. The event, moderated by journalist Jimmy Franklin and Toon Vanagt, CEO […]

ODF and Themis ‘Malicious Prosecution’ Report on Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office

ODF and Themis ‘Malicious Prosecution’ Report on Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office


Together with the “Themis” Association of Judges, we are proud to present the latest version of the report on abuses of power perpetrated by the Polish public prosecutor’s office under the rule of Zbigniew Ziobro: “Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Derelition of Duties“. Monday 9 October, 16:00 – there will be a live broadcast […]

Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office: Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Dereliction of Duties since 2015

Polish Public Prosecutor’s Office: Selected Cases of Malicious Prosecution and Dereliction of Duties since 2015


Preface Since the Law and Justice (PiS)-led United Right Coalition [Composed of PiS and its two junior partners – Solidarna Polska (United Poland, led by the Justice Minister/Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro) and, until August 2021, Porozumienie Jarosława Gowina (Jarosław Gowin’s Agreement)] took power in 2015, an unprecedented politicisation of the public prosecution has occurred, which has […]

TABConf2023: Bitcoin against transnational persecution

TABConf2023: Bitcoin against transnational persecution


From 6 to 9 September 2023, the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation Lyudmyla Kozlovska took part in the ‘TABConf2023 — A Technical Bitcoin Conference‘ in the US city of Atlanta. As part of the event, she gave an interview to the largest educational platform dedicated to Bitcoin — Area Bitcoin Education.  “I am here […]

How much the PiS government knows about us and what it can do to us. It has the most sensitive, intimate data

How much the PiS government knows about us and what it can do to us. It has the most sensitive, intimate data


In April, we learned that the PiS authorities do not hesitate to force private entities into operational cooperation. Gazeta Wyborcza, based on a notarised statement by Robert Z., a whistleblower who was the security manager at the Polish Hotel Holding while also an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, writes that Robert […]

Brudziński lost in court with the management of the Open Dialogue Foundation, hated by PiS

Brudziński lost in court with the management of the Open Dialogue Foundation, hated by PiS


Bartosz Kramek and Lyudmyla Kozlovska have won their lawsuit against Joachim Brudziński for violation of personal rights. The current head of the Law and Justice (PiS) election campaign is to apologise to them for 60 days on Twitter and pay PLN 10,000 compensation each. The verdict is not final. This is the fifth case these […]

Joachim Brudzinski lost a court case. He is to apologise and pay PLN 30 thousand in damages

Joachim Brudzinski lost a court case. He is to apologise and pay PLN 30 thousand in damages


Joachim Brudziński, a Law and Justice’s MEP, and chief of the party’s electoral campaign has lost a lawsuit for violation of the personal rights of the Open Dialogue Foundation and its founders i.e. Lyudmyla Kozlovska and Bartosz Kramek. The dispute revolved around his Twitter posts. In 2019, Joachim Brudzinski — the head of the Ministry […]

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