Tommorow the newspaer ‘Golos Respubliki’ will not be delivered to readers

Tommorow the newspaer ‘Golos Respubliki’ will not be delivered to readers


The Medeu District Court ordered the seizure of the circulation of the newspaper ‘Golos Respubliki’ after it arrives at the airport of Almaty. This means that tomorrow, the latest issue of the newspaper will not reach readers.

Statement on the shutdown of independent media organisations in Kazakhstan

Statement on the shutdown of independent media organisations in Kazakhstan


A number of independent media organisations and opposition NGOs of Kazakhstan are under the threat of closure and prohibition of activities in the country. The Prosecutor’s Office in Almaty filed a motion in court, demanding that these organisations be deemed as extremist

Human rights activist Vadim Kuramshin arrested again

Human rights activist Vadim Kuramshin arrested again


The Board of Appeals of the Zhambyl Regional Court overturned the acquittal of Kazakh human rights defender Vadim Kuramshin. On the 31st of October, 2012, he was arrested. Supporters of the human rights activist reported that while he was remanded in custody, Vadim Kuramshin attempted suicide.

Askar Moldashev has been arrested

Askar Moldashev has been arrested


We have just acquired information that Askar, the older brother of Daniyar Moldhashev, the President of the LLP and publisher of the ‘Golos Respubliki’ newspaper, has been arrested by officers of the National Security Committee. He has been arrested ostensibly for drug possession.

Kazakhstan: Trials of the ‘oppositionists’ as in the times of the Polish People’s Republic

Kazakhstan: Trials of the ‘oppositionists’ as in the times of the Polish People’s Republic


After the bloody protests in Zhanaozen, the Kazakh authorities put the oppositionists before the court, accusing them of causing the unrest in the country. The activists may be incarcerated for more over ten years.

Trial of the Kazakh opposition: Kozlov intends to go on a hunger strike

Trial of the Kazakh opposition: Kozlov intends to go on a hunger strike


Recent events in Aktau highlighted the importance of international monitoring over the trial of the oppositionists in Kazakhstan.

Repression against the opposition in Kazakhstan — the Commission’s response

Repression against the opposition in Kazakhstan — the Commission’s response


MEPs Marek Migalski and Piotr Borys issued a request in connection with the intensifying situation in Kazakhstan and more violent repression against the opposition leaders.

Ayzhangul Amirova released from custody

Ayzhangul Amirova released from custody


Ayzhangul Amirova, an activist of the opposition movement ‘Khalyk Maidany’ was released from custody where she has remained since the 6th of January, 2012.

The statement on detention of human rights defender Asel Nurgaziyeva

The statement on detention of human rights defender Asel Nurgaziyeva


The Open Dialogue Foundation expresses its concern over the detention and attempts to put pressure on the lawyer Asel Nurgaziyeva, a Kazakh human rights activist and the head of the Atyrau Public Association ‘Zaman’

Kazakhstan: authorities continue to pressure on civil society activists

Kazakhstan: authorities continue to pressure on civil society activists


The Open Dialogue Foundation has noted that the continuation of rights violations against the detained opposition activists, as well as the lack of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech in Kazakhstan.

Igor Vinyavskiy: “I consider my case political”

Igor Vinyavskiy: “I consider my case political”


An apprehension and ridiculous charges filed against the editor-in-chief of the ‘Vzlgyad’ newspaper put him in one group with the most famous ‘prisoners of conscience’.

Let us not forget about Kazakhstan

Let us not forget about Kazakhstan


An interview with Piotr Borys, MEP, after his return from Almaty and Zhanaozen, where mass riots took place in December

The Statement of the ‘Stop Censorship!’ movement (Ukraine) on the prevention of oppression in Kazakhstan

The Statement of the ‘Stop Censorship!’ movement (Ukraine) on the prevention of oppression in Kazakhstan


The Ukrainian journalistic movement ‘Stop Censorship!’ strongly condemns the oppression that the Kazakh authorities have subjected independent journalists to.

In the ‘Respublika’ newspaper security service workers confiscate office equipment

In the ‘Respublika’ newspaper security service workers confiscate office equipment


Confiscation of computers and other office equipment by the workers of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan began in the office of the ‘Golos Respubliki’ newspaper in Almaty.

Resolution of Investigation Department of the Committee for National Security

Resolution of Investigation Department of the Committee for National Security


Order on Opening a Criminal Case №  and accepting it for proceedings Almaty, January 23, 2012 The senior investigator from the Investigation Department of the Committee for National Security in ​​Almaty, Captain Kobenbaev S, after examining the material registered in the Log of the Registration of Statements and Information relating to crimes under № 159 […]

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