Statement of the Open Dialogue Foundation of 23 July 2017

Statement of the Open Dialogue Foundation of 23 July 2017


In the published article, B.Kramek expressly emphasised the need to maintain the PEACEFUL nature of the protest actions. We agree that the presented postulates may be perceived as far-reaching and controversial, but the basic premise is articulated directly: LET’S ACT VERY DECISIVELY, BUT WITH NO…

Statement of the Open Dialogue Foundation of 21 July 2017 on the dismantling of the rule of law in Poland

Statement of the Open Dialogue Foundation of 21 July 2017 on the dismantling of the rule of law in Poland


We therefore present to you the following article and call for broad cooperation to cease the dismantling of the rule of law. In the article, we have brought together our experiences and reflections; they may prove valuable in the course of resistance.

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