DGP: Has there been power abuse against Kozlovska?

DGP: Has there been power abuse against Kozlovska?


The audit of the books of account at the Open Dialogue Foundation, requested by Minister Mariusz Kamiński, lasted for over a year. Currently, the case is being looked into by the prosecutor’s office.

Emmanuel Macron writes to Lech Wałęsa re. Lyudmyla Kozlovska

Emmanuel Macron writes to Lech Wałęsa re. Lyudmyla Kozlovska


Despite the news of Lyudmyla Kozlovska having received a residence permit from Belgium, French president Emmanuel Macron has decided to send words of support to former Polish president Lech Wałęsa and – indirectly – to Lyudmyla Kozlovska. The first president of post-communist Poland and Nobel Peace

Bartosz Kramek on the situation of Polish human rights activists during Civil Society Days 2019

Bartosz Kramek on the situation of Polish human rights activists during Civil Society Days 2019


On June 12 and 13, in Brussels, the 2019 edition of the Civil Society Days event took place at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This event represents the cooperation between the EESC and the members of the Liaison Group representing European civil society organisations and networks

Bartosz Kramek speaks about resilient democracies at the Civil Society Days 2019

Bartosz Kramek speaks about resilient democracies at the Civil Society Days 2019


On June 12 and 13, in Brussels, the 2019 edition of the Civil Society Days event took place at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC). This event represents the cooperation between the EESC and the members of the Liaison Group representing European civil society organisations and networks

DGP part 1: Kozlovska’s case. State trash lab [DGP investigations]

DGP part 1: Kozlovska’s case. State trash lab [DGP investigations]


DGP has a full report from the Moldovan Investigation Committee on the Open Dialogue Foundation. The document indicates that Poland might have cooperated on the ODF case with the special services in that country controlled by the oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc.

Gazeta Wyborcza: Failure of Polish services. Lyudmyla Kozlovska is free to move around the Schengen area. Apart from Poland

Gazeta Wyborcza: Failure of Polish services. Lyudmyla Kozlovska is free to move around the Schengen area. Apart from Poland


After nearly a one year of battle, the details of the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation were deleted from the Schengen Information System. Polish authorities were forced to remove Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s record.

Kozlovska’s name removed from the SIS list. Poland loses to the Open Dialogue Foundation

Kozlovska’s name removed from the SIS list. Poland loses to the Open Dialogue Foundation


Having been granted a long-term resident’s EU card, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, the head of the Open Dialogue Foundation, is no longer included in the Schengen Information System, according to DGP information.

Court finds entry ban on Lyudmyla Kozlovska unjustified

Court finds entry ban on Lyudmyla Kozlovska unjustified


Last Friday, our Foundation‘s office received information that during a meetingbehind closed doors held on 16 April 2019, the Warsaw Administrative Court overturned the decision of the Office for Foreigners on the inclusion of Lyudmyla Kozlovska, President of the Open Dialogue Foundation, in SIS.

Onet: Court overrules expulsion of President of the Open Dialogue Foundation from Poland

Onet: Court overrules expulsion of President of the Open Dialogue Foundation from Poland


The Regional Administrative Court has considered the documents substantiating the decision on Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s expulsion from Poland as “overgeneralised” and demanded her case be reconsidered by the Office for Foreigners.

Lyudmyla Kozlovska receives residence permit in Belgium

Lyudmyla Kozlovska receives residence permit in Belgium


ODF is pleased to announce that our President, Ukrainian human rights activist Lyudmyla Kozlovska, exiled from the EU by Polish authorities back in August 2018 to international criticism, has today received a 5-year residence permit in Belgium.

Law and Justice’s campaign against the Open Dialogue Foundation

Law and Justice’s campaign against the Open Dialogue Foundation


Following the coming to power of Jarosław Kaczyński’s Law and Justice party and its president Andrzej Duda in 2015, the state of the rule of law and democracy in Poland steadily deteriorated, as universally acknowledged by the international community, including the first ever… (read more)

Office for Foreigners refuses to delete Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s data from SIS

Office for Foreigners refuses to delete Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s data from SIS


On 20 November 2018, the Head of the Office for Foreigners upheld the appealed decision regarding the placement of Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s data in the SIS II list of undesirable persons

Challenging the decision of the Head of the Office for Foreigners: Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s request for removal from the SIS has been re-submitted

Challenging the decision of the Head of the Office for Foreigners: Lyudmyla Kozlovska’s request for removal from the SIS has been re-submitted


On 15 October 2018, attorney Izabela Banach, representative of the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, submitted another application to the Office for Foreigners in Kozlovska’s case.

EUobserver: Poland abusing Schengen for political reasons

EUobserver: Poland abusing Schengen for political reasons


The case of activist Lyudymyla Kozlovska, president of the Polish-based human rights NGO Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF), who was expelled from the EU by the Polish government, is becoming increasingly curious.

EUobserver: Poland accused of violating EU visa systems

EUobserver: Poland accused of violating EU visa systems


Poland is abusing EU visa systems to punish government critics, an activist has said, in a case which highlights Europe’s loss of trust in Warsaw.

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