Ukraine adopts legislative mechanisms for the introduction of sanctions against Russia

Ukraine adopts legislative mechanisms for the introduction of sanctions against Russia


On 11 May, 2014, the Verkhovna Rada approved in principle the draft Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions” elaborated by the government. The purpose of the draft law is to protect national interests, national security, sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Stages of the EU, US and other countries’ sanctions against Russia

Stages of the EU, US and other countries’ sanctions against Russia


Sanctions have been imposed by the G7 countries, EU and other countries on the Russian Federation in a bid to force Russia to stop funding, arming and supplying weapons to terrorists in the east of Ukraine and to de-escalate the conflict.

The impact of the EU, USA and other countries’ sanctions on the Russian economy

The impact of the EU, USA and other countries’ sanctions on the Russian economy


The EU has made a decision to introduce third-tier sanctions against Russia. The sanctions relate to the energy and finance sectors, military and dual-purpose products (Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014)[1].Sanctions are effective for a period of one year with the possibility of reconsideration af

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