Joint Submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review

Joint Submission for the UN Universal Periodic Review

Kazakhstan’s anti-extremist measures against freedom of assembly and association, activists, journalists, and bloggers 1. Introduction 1.1. This Submission was prepared jointly by the Open Dialogue Foundation, Freedom Kazakhstan Foundation together with human rights experts from the #ActivistsNoExtremists coalition as a contribution to the review of the fourth cycle of the UPR on Kazakhstan. It presents […]

Defending right to assembly in Kazakhstan at the OSCE/ODIHR conference

Defending right to assembly in Kazakhstan at the OSCE/ODIHR conference

In the weeks of 26 September – 7 October the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and its Warsaw-based Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) held its 2022 Warsaw Human Dimension Conference, serving as a summit, or plenary session, of the OSCE’s human rights institution. The conference was attended by OSCE […]



The purpose of the coalition and Facebook group #ActivistNotExtremists is to collect information and organise legal and humanitarian aid for all those who have been politically persecuted for participating in peaceful protests in Kazakhstan. The monitoring is a part of the civil society control for the implementation of the international obligations undertaken by the Kazakhstani […]

Kazakhstan: A dialogue or bluff?

Kazakhstan: A dialogue or bluff?

This report provides an analysis of Kazakhstan’s implementation of the European Parliament Resolution of 14 March 2019 on the human rights situation in the country (2019/2610(RSP).

Open Dialogue Foundation at the OSCE HDIM 2019

Open Dialogue Foundation at the OSCE HDIM 2019

Between Monday 16 and Friday 27 September 2019, representatives of the Open Dialogue Foundation Xheni Dani, Joanna Cuper and Maksym Sytnikov participated in the annual OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting held in Warsaw. Our representatives delivered several statements in which they raised is

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