Open Dialog addresses INTERPOL on the case of Mr. Browder

Open Dialog addresses INTERPOL on the case of Mr. Browder

On 6 June 2018, the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF) addressed a letter to INTERPOL’s agencies in regard to the Mr. William Browder case. Mr. Browder was subjected to a sixth international arrest warrant issued by the Russian Federation.

Ukraine is in haste to transfer Zhanara Akhmetova to Kazakhstan

Ukraine is in haste to transfer Zhanara Akhmetova to Kazakhstan

Kazakhstani opposition journalist Zhanara Akhmetova was detained in Kiev on 21 October 2017 with gross violations of the Ukrainian legislation. On 24 October 2017, the court ruled on her temporary arrest for 18 days. In protest against the decision, Akhmetova went on a hunger strike.

“Members of PACE warn Interpol of persistent violations”

“Members of PACE warn Interpol of persistent violations”

On 11 October, 2017, Members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) addressed the Secretary of Interpol, Mr Jürgen Stock, and the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF) in a bid to warn against abusive use of the international arrest warrant.

Open Democracy on Interpol reforms postulated by ODF

Open Democracy on Interpol reforms postulated by ODF

Non-democratic states continue to issue international arrest warrants for dissidents, journalists and political opponents. The fact that the problem is continuing to be present means that regimes adapt their conducts and ultimately the new reforms do not catch up with the reality.

An appeal from victims of abusive Red Notices – video

An appeal from victims of abusive Red Notices – video

This film was prepared in cooperation with Destination Justice in order to attract attention to the problem of Interpol that is frequently misused by authoritarian regimes. It was screened at our Interpol side event during Human Dimension Implementation Meeting 2017 organised by OSCE ODIHR in Warsaw

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