Representatives of the Foundation follow and attend the most important sessions and meetings of the international organizations and institutions in Brussels, Strasbourg, Vienna and Geneva.

Representatives of the Foundation follow and attend the most important sessions and meetings of the international organizations and institutions in Brussels, Strasbourg, Vienna and Geneva.
The Ukrainian authorities did not manage to take advantage of a window of opportunity which appeared after the overthrow of the Yanukovich regime. To date, no concerted efforts have been undertaken to implement deep systemic reforms by the President, the parliament and the government.
Open Dialogue Foundation’s expert, Agnieszka Piasecka participated in the discussion on opportunities and challenges for the Ukrainian justice system took place in Kiev.
This analysis has been created to present the current status of lustration in Ukraine and reflect the need for it’s implementation and improvement. It is a joint work of the Open Dialogue Foundation and Civic Lustration Committee.
Do the media in Ukraine take up the theme of lustration? Should it also cover journalists and would the media circles support the potential necessity of making lustration statements? These and other questions were answered by the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation (ODF), Lyudmyla Kozlovska.
Ukraine needs a systemic solution to enable it to settle accounts with the past – including with the rule of former President, Yanukovych. After the revolution, the time has come for reforms.
The Open Dialogue Foundation, in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Europabüro Brüssel, organised an informal meeting in Brussels on the current progress of the reforms in Ukraine.
The head of projects to support lustration and reform of the judiciary in Ukraine, Agnieszka Piasecka of the Open Dialogue Foundation, spoke for the Wnet radio station about how reforms are being conducted in Ukraine.
Participants of the press briefing presented a detailed report regarding the inactivity of the General Prosecutor’s Office and cited grounds for bringing the former General Prosecutor to liability. The briefing was held in the Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre (UCMC) on 19 March, 2015 at 11:30 a.m.
“The Ukrainian World” in Warsaw held a meeting with a Ukrainian delegation of individuals responsible for lustration. The delegation included both representatives of the government and civil society.
The Ukrainian World in Warsaw held a meeting with a Ukrainian delegation of individuals responsible for lustration. The delegation included both representatives of the government and civil society.
The Open Dialogue Foundation participated in a discussion entitled “The vetting of the state authorities: the Ukrainian legislation and international experience”, organised at the Respublica Institute in Kiev
A year after Euromaidan, the crimes of the Viktor Yanukovych regime are yet to be investigated. The former leadership of the General Prosecutor’s Office should be held accountable for the department’s poor results.
The President of the Open Dialogue Foundation, Lyudmyla Kozlovska, posted on her Facebook page new information about the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine from the times of Yanukovych, Victor Pshonka
The Open Dialogue Foundation, in cooperation, inter alia, with the USAID FAIR Justice Project and with the support of international experts, organised training in Kiev for the Department of Lustration of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice
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