Updated amendment suggestions to the Ukrainian law on lustration

Updated amendment suggestions to the Ukrainian law on lustration

In connection with the presentation of the report summarising the legislative work on the Ukrainian lustration law, the project coordinator from the Foundation presented the latest expert recommendations regarding the changes in the law, which would bring the law more into line with the standards o

Seminarium: Lustration of Judiciary: Ukrainian and International Practices

Seminarium: Lustration of Judiciary: Ukrainian and International Practices

Agnieszka Piasecka, who on a daily basis monitors the implementation of the lustration reform, including the verification of the justice system, participated in a seminar entitled ‘Lustration of Judiciary: Ukrainian and International Practices’. EU experts, including Professor Lorena Bachmaier Winter, an expert from the Council of Europe and a professor of law from the University […]

Lyudmyla Kozlovska for Alter Mondes

Lyudmyla Kozlovska for Alter Mondes

Lyudmyla Kozlovska – President of the Open Dialogue Foundation – for Alter Mondes, the French international relations magazine, about international relations, lustration and the situation in Ukraine.

The Lustration Council presented in Kiev

The Lustration Council presented in Kiev

The Civic Lustration Council with the Ministry of Justice has been appointed in Ukraine. At a press conference in Kiev its members were introduced, among them was the President of the Open Dialogue Foundation, Lyudmyla Kozlovska.

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